The Covid-19 pandemic has changed customers’ needs with an increased focus on digitalisation and e-commerce – good news for customers, but not for businesses, who have mostly seen their rates lowered on their customer experience (CX) scale.
At Customer First Solutions, we know a great customer experience is a must to ensure satisfaction and promote loyalty, which in turn positively impacts your operations. We also know that, in these times, focusing on customer experience management can mean the difference between failure or skyrocketing as a business.
But we’re not just talking about keeping loyal customers in hard times by meeting their evolving needs – we’re talking about CX and its contribution to significant business growth. Imagine if the European supplier of CRM solutions to the market, Superoffice’s predictions were true for your business – doubling your revenue in 36 months through investing in CX initiatives. Imagine if customers started paying you, purely for receiving great service. You can believe this data: customers are willing to pay a premium price for your products when it comes with a superior Customer Experience, even if industry leaders paint a poor picture of dwindling customers and their not-so-empty wallets.
It’s time to adapt to customers’ new needs, no matter what industry you operate in. But how?
To keep up with customer expectations, businesses are increasingly investing in Voice of the Customer programmes, acting on new information about changing customer needs. It’s about creating personalised customer experiences, building brand loyalty, advocacy and trust across all business sectors.
Are you measuring up? First, ask yourself:
Are my website sales reducing significantly?
Are my impulsive customers no longer impulse buying?
Are my loyal clients who did business offline now going online to buy from me?
Have I gained new clientele but heard crickets from my current client base?
Do I measure Customer Experience and promptly, in real-time, react to bad experiences?
Did my last feedback form or survey have multiple choice? Did I review the comments, opinions and personal responses or did I ignore them?
Has my average order value and close rates remained the same and am I perceiving this stagnation as good?
Answering negatively to any of these means you’re not retaining customers or meeting their needs. With us at Customer First Solutions, you can level up your CX initiatives in your specific industry.
Listening to the voice of the customer assists with improving the overall operations of the business for not just the brick and mortar businesses but online too. We know there has been a major shift in customer behaviour and needs in the retail industry because of the pandemic. According to a report by Mastercard, the majority of South Africans now shop online as shoppers opt for contactless transactions in an effort to avoid contracting Covid-19. And it seems this trend has become the new normal, with 71% of respondents saying they will continue to shop online post-pandemic.
Many retail businesses are new to e-commerce, and some may feel unsure about opening an online “branch.” But the information gained from an online store can assist with future buying, understanding buyer purchase behaviour, and much more. By identifying the new trends, we can help you adapt and grow – and fulfil your customers’ new demands.
No matter your industry, let’s chat in detail about your customer’s changing needs. That’s the business Customer First Solutions excels in:
Customer First Solutions helps organisations in different industries monitor and understand the needs of their customers to improve their overall service. We make it easy for any business to gather real-time customer feedback, analyse it and take action. Our action plans are more detailed once we know your exact needs.
But be sure to:
Create new profiles with the true nature of your customers
Measure customer journey touch points and their behaviour at each point
Provide self-service options
Create a call-centre team or department
Set a goal to deliver the same service across omni-channels and meet these goals
Integrate AI and technology into interactions, but keep interactions personal
Provide FAQs on your online platforms and website
Check that your website is mobile-friendly
Create detailed web forms, surveys and questionnaires, instead of multi-choice forms and brief feedback documents
Follow up constantly through e-mails or phone calls
Contact Customer First Solutions now and let’s put your customers at the heart of your business and meet their changing needs and demands.